Taiwan-Waseda Joint Workshop on Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelings

Date:  August 30, 2024

Location:  Room 02-01, Building No.55, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Waseda University


August 30


10:00am -10:50am


Global entropy solution and relaxation limit for

Greenberg-Klar-Rascle multi-lane traffic flow model


Ying-Chieh Lin (National University of Kaohsiung)



11:00am -11:30am


 L1 approach to the compressible viscous fluid flows in the half-space


Jou-Chun Kuo (Waseda University)





Existence and multiplicity of radially symmetric solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations



Tomoharu Kinoshita (Waseda University)





Lunch Time




Global Transonic Solutions of the Hot Jupiter Model for Atmospheric Escape Behavior


Shih-Wei Chou (Soochow University)





Nonhomogeneous boundary value problem for the steady Navier-Stokes equations in multiply-connected domains


Tatsuki Yamamoto (Waseda University)





Global Classical (C1) Solutions for Non-isentropic Gas in the Nozzle Flows


Hsin-Yi Lee (National Chiayi University)





On the global well-posedness of the primitive equations on non-flat layers


Yoshiki Iida (Waseda University)





The energy equality of the fractional Navier—Stokes equations in the framework of the Lorentz—Besov spaces 


Taichi Eguchi (Waseda University)


Abstract (PDF)

OrganizersHideo Kozono (Waseda Univ.), Kousuke Kuto (Waseda Univ.),  Ken-ichi MarunoWaseda Univ.