Waseda Workshop on
Theoretical and Computational Methods of Nonlinear Water Waves
非線形水波の数理入門 English version
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Nonlinear Water Waves
非線形波動・流体力学の分野でご活躍されている Roberto Camassa 教授(University of North Carolina)と Wooyoung Choi 教授(New Jersey Institute of Technology)をお招きして, 早稲田大学にてWorkshopを開催することになりました.Camassa教授とChoi教授にはWorkshopで集中講義をしていただきます. Workshopの詳細は以下のとおりです. 多数の方々のご参加をお待ちしています.
· Date: May 16-17, 2016
· Location: 早稲田大学 西早稲田キャンパス62号館1階大会議室
· Intensive Lecture Speakers
Prof. Roberto Camassa(University of North Carolina)
Prof. Wooyoung Choi(New Jersey Institute of Technology)
· Schedule:
May 16 |
May 17 |
1:00pm -2:30pm |
of fluid mechanics and free surface flows Prof. Roberto Camassa |
wave propagation and integrable models in shallow water Prof.
Roberto Camassa |
2:45pm -4:15pm |
theories for nonlinear water waves Prof. Wooyoung Choi |
waves and stability in deep water Prof. Wooyoung Choi |
4:30pm-5:00pm |
A meshless numerical approach to spectral wave modeling Adrean Webb |
Effect of phase modulation on
parametric instability of oceanic internal waves Yohei Onuki |
5:00pm-5:30pm |
the wave geometry of unstable Stokes’ waves in deep water Hidetaka Houtani |
structures and variational integrators for higher
order field theories Linyu Peng |
5:30pm-6:00pm |
observed freak waves in deep water near Japan using WAVEWATCH III and the
higher order spectral method Wataru
Fujimoto |
· Other Speakers:
Wataru Fujimoto (University of Tokyo), Yohei Onuki (University of
Tokyo), Linyu Peng (Waseda
University), Hidetaka Houtani
(National Maritime Research Institute), Adrean Webb (University of Tokyo)
· Support:
JST CREST「モデリングのための精度保証付き数値計算論の展開」(「現代の数理科学と連携するモデリング手法の構築」領域)
· 関連する研究会:
on Nonlinear Waves in Fluids, In honor
of Professor Mitsuaki Funakoshi on the occasion of his retirement , 2016年5月19—20日,京都大学数理解析研究所
Organizers: 丸野 健一(早稲田大学)
村重 淳 (茨城大学)