日時:2025年1月9日(木)午後1時30分 −午後2時20分, 午後2時30分
場所:早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62W号館 1階 大会議室A(東側)
題目: Elliptic solitons:
direct linearisation scheme and vertex
Part I: Elliptic direct linearisation scheme. 午後1時30分 −午後2時20分
Part II: tau function and
vertex operator of elliptic solitons. 午後2時30分 −午後3時20分
講演者:Prof. Da-jun
Zhang (Shanghai University)
Part I: Elliptic direct linearisation scheme. The Lamé function can be used to construct plane wave factors and solutions for the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) hierarchies. These solutions are usually called elliptic solitons. The method of direct linearization (DL) was established by Fokas and Ablowitz in 1981, which is based on singular linear integral equations over arbitrary contours in the complex space of the spectral parameter. Soon after, the Fokas-Ablowitz DL scheme was developed by Dutch group into a flexible machinery involving infinite matrix structures, in which nonlinear equations can be constructed together with their solutions. It also allows the treatment of discrete as well as continuous equations on one and the same footing and within one formalism. In this part, we will describe an elliptic version of the Fokas-Ablowitz DL scheme for elliptic solitons of the continuous KP equation, and also an elliptic version of the Dutch DL scheme for elliptic solitons of the discrete (potential) KP equation. For the reduction of elliptic solitons, one needs to introduce elliptic Nth-root of unity.
Part II: tau function and vertex operator of elliptic solitons. In this part, we will describe the Hirota bilinear method on elliptic solitons of the KdV equation and KP equation, including bilinear calculations involved with the Lamé type plane wave factors, expressions of tau functions and the generating vertex operators. Then, for the discrete potential KdV and KP equations, we give their bilinear forms, derive tau functions of elliptic solitons, and show that they share the same vertex operators with the KdV hierarchy and the KP hierarchy, respectively. Reductions and period degenerations of elliptic solitons will also be introduced.
This talk is based on the recent joint works with Xing Li, Frank W. Nijhoff and Yingying Sun.
−11時50分, 午後1時20分 −2時10分
場所:早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62W号館 1階 大会議室A(東側)
models in modulation theory of surface gravity waves.
Part 1: deep-water case. 午前11時 −11時50分
Part 2: interaction with internal waves. 午後1時20分 −2時10分
講演者:Prof. Philippe Guyenne (University
of Delaware)
− 午後6時10分
場所:早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス62W号館 1階 大会議室A(東側)
題目:Modulation instability
and excitation of periodic waves
講演者:Prof. Nail Akhmediev (Australian
National University)
概要: Modulation instability is a
fundamental physical effect that is in the roots of many natural phenomena that
include nonlinear water waves. Despite the relative simplicity of its
mathematical treatment, there are still some unresolved issues that require
further analysis. The confusing part of MI is the exponential growth of
modulation and the transformation of small periodic modulation into large amplitude periodic waves. When many unstable
frequencies are involved, the MI is transformed into chaotic waves. A few
examples of such transitions will be considered in this talk.
− 午後5時40分
modeling, analysis and computation: some recent development
講演者:Prof. Qiang Du (Columbia
概要: Nonlocality has become
increasingly prominent in nature, leading to the development of new
mathematical theories to model and simulate its impact. In this lecture, we
will concentrate on nonlocal models that involve interactions with a finite
horizon, examining their significance in understanding phenomena involving
potential anomalies, singularities, and other effects that arise from nonlocal
interactions. Furthermore, we will present recent analytical studies that
explore nonlocal operators and function spaces, discussing how they contribute
to the development of robust numerical algorithms.
− 午後6時
Geometric Curve Flows and Solitons
講演者:Dr. Hsiao-Fan Liu (Tamkang University)
概要: Geometric curves flows are curve evolutions
whose invariants flow according to some soliton equations. Such correspondences
provide a systematic tool to study geometric curve flows via soliton theory, and vice versa. In this talk,
we discuss certain geometric curve flows and explain how we build
relations between curves and soliton equations, how we use the soliton
theory to derive B\"acklund transformations for
these curve flows, and to study the existence of solutions to the (periodic)
Cauchy problems of curve flows. This also provides geometric algorithms to
solve periodic Cauchy problems numerically.
− 午後6時
Painlevé Equations and Orthogonal Polynomials
講演者:Prof. Anton Dzhamay (University of Northern Colorado)
概要: Over the last decade it became
clear that the role of discrete Painlevé equations in
applications has been steadily growing. Thus, the question of recognizing a
certain non-autonomous recurrence as a discrete Painlevé
equation and understanding its position in Sakai’s classification scheme,
recognizing whether it is equivalent to some known (model) example, and
especially finding an explicit change of coordinates transforming it to such
example, becomes one of the central ones. Fortunately, Sakai’s geometric theory
provides an almost algorithmic procedure of answering this question. In this
work we illustrate this procedure by studying an example coming from the theory
of discrete orthogonal polynomials. There are many connections between
orthogonal polynomials and Painlevé equations, both
differential and discrete. In particular, often the coefficients of three-term
recurrence relations for orthogonal polynomials can be expressed in terms of
solutions of some discrete Painlevé equation. In this
work we study orthogonal polynomials with
general hypergeometric weight and show that their recurrence coefficients
satisfy, after some change of variables, the standard discrete Painlevé-V equation. We also provide an explicit change of
variables transforming this equation to the standard form. This is joint work
with Galina Filipuk (University of Warsaw, Poland)
and Alexander Stokes (University College, London, UK).
− 午後6時
題目: Geometry
of Discrete Painlevé Equations
講演者:Prof. Anton Dzhamay (University of Northern Colorado)
概要: In this talk we give an
introduction to some geometric ideas and tools used to study discrete
integrable systems. Our main goal is to give an introduction to Sakai’s
geometric theory of discrete Painlevé equations.
However, we first consider an autonomous example of a dynamical system known as
the QRT map. For this example we explain the geometry behind indeterminate
(or base)points of birational maps, as well as how to
fix such indeterminacies by changing the geometry of the configuration space
using the so-called blowup procedure. In the process we also introduce the
notions of the Picard lattice of the algebraic surface that is the
configuration space of the dynamics, the anti-canonical divisor class, and the
linearization of the mapping on the level of the Picard lattice. After
that we consider an idea of geometric deautonomzation.
Using this approach we introduce discrete Painlevé equations as deautonomizations
of QRT maps. We show how such deautonomization
results in the decomposition of the Picard lattice into complementary pairs of
the surface and symmetry sub-lattices and explain the construction of a
binational representation of affine Weyl symmetry groups that gives a complete
algebraic description of our non-linear dynamic. We show how to represent a
discrete Painlevé equation as a composition of
elementary birational transformations (Cremona isometries). We conclude the
tutorial by a brief introduction into Sakai’s classification scheme for
discrete Painlevé equations.This talk is based on joint work with
Stefan Carstea (Bucharest) and Tomoyuki Takenawa (Tokyo).
日時:2019年6月4日(火) 午後4時30分−
題目: Rational
space curves and solitons for the Gelfand-Dickey reductions of the KP
講演者:Prof. Yuji Kodama (Ohio
State University)
It is well known that the algebro-geometric
solutions of the KdV hierarchy are
from the Riemann theta functions associated with the hyperelliptic curves,
and that
the soliton solutions can be obtained by rational (singular) limits of the
hyperelliptic curves.
In this
talk, I will discuss certain class of KP solitons in the connections with space
which are
labeled by certain types of numerical semigroups. In particular, I will show
(singular and complex) KP solitons of the Gelfand-Dickey reduction
associated with the rational space curves of $<l,lm+1,\ldots, lm+k>$ where $m\ge 1$ and
$1\le k\le
l-1$. This is a part of the PhD project of my student, Yuancheng
日時:2019年3月7日(木) 午後4時
− 午後5時30分
題目: On
the inverse spectral transform for the conservative Camassa-Holm
講演者:Prof. Jonathan Eckhardt
(Loughborough University)
The Camassa-Holm equation is a nonlinear partial
differential equation that models unidirectional wave propagation on shallow
water. I will show how this equation can be integrated by means of the inverse
spectral transform method. The global conservative solutions obtained in this
way form into a train of solitons (peakons) in the long-time limit.
日時:2018年11月19日(月) 午後4時30分
− 午後6時
題目: Detecting
and determining preserved measures and integrals of rational maps
講演者:Prof. Reinout
Quispel (La Trobe University)
The search for preserved measures
and integrals of ordinary differential equations has been at the forefront of
mathematical physics since the time of Galileo and Newton. In this talk our aim
will be to develop an analogous theory for the (arguably more general)
discrete-time case. This will lead to linear algorithms for detecting and
determining preserved measures and integrals of rational maps.
日時:2018年11月9日(金) 午後4時00分
− 午後5時30分
through Geometry
講演者:Prof. Nalini Joshi
(University of Sydney)
Discrete integrable
equations can be considered in two, three or N-dimensions, as equations fitted together in a self-consistent way on a
square, a cube or an N-dimensional cube. We show to find their symmetry
reductions (and other properties) through a geometric
• N. Joshi and N. Nakazono:
Elliptic Painlevé equations from
next-nearest-neighbor translations on the E8(1) lattice, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 50 (2017), Art. 305205 (17 pp)
• J. Atkinson, P. Howes, N. Joshi and N. Nakazono: Geometry of an elliptic difference equation
related to Q4, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 93 (2016), no. 93, 763–784
• N. Joshi, N. Nakazono, Y. Shi: Reflection groups and discrete integrable systems, Journal of Integrable Systems, (2016), (37 pp).
• N. Joshi and N. Nakazono:
Lax pairs of discrete Painlevé equations: (A2+A1)(1) case, Proceedings of the Royal
Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering
Sciences, 472 (2016), no. 2196 (13 pp).
• N. Joshi, N. Nakazono and Y. Shi (2014). "Geometric
reductions of ABS equations on an n-cube to discrete Painlevé
systems." Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 47: 505201 (16pp).
日時:2018年7月24日(火) 午後3時30分
− 午後4時30分
題目:Semilinear Klein-Gordon Equation in the
Friedmann-Lamaitre-Robertson-Walker spacetime
講演者:Prof. Anahit Galtsyan (University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley)
We present some results on the semilinear
massless waves propagating in the Einstein-de Sitter spacetime and semilinear Klein-Gordon Equation in the de Sitter
spacetime. We examine the solutions of the semilinear
wave equation, and, in particular, of the $\varphi^p$
model of quantum field theory in the curved space-time. More precisely, for $1
< p < 4$ we prove that solution of the massless self-interacting scalar
field equation in the Einstein-de Sitter universe has finite lifespan.
Furthermore, we present a condition on the self-interaction term that
guaranties the existence of the global in time solution of the Cauchy problem
for the semilinear Klein-Gordon equation in the FLRW
(Friedmann- Lamaitre-Robertson-Walker) model of the
contracting universe. For the equation with the Higgs potential
we give an estimate for the lifespan of solution.
日時:2018年7月24日(火) 午後4時45分
− 午後5時45分
題目:A new integral transform approach to
solving equations of the quantum field theory in the curved space-times
講演者:Prof. Karen Yagdjian (University of
Texas Rio Grande Valley)
概要: In this talk we will present the
integral transform that allows us to construct solutions of the hyperbolic
partial differential equation with variable coefficients via solutions of a
simpler equation. This transform was suggested by the author in the case when
the last equation is a wave equation. Then it was used to investigate several
well-known equations such as generalized Tricomi
equation, the Klein–Gordon equation of the quantum field theory in the de
Sitter and Einstein-de Sitter space-times of the expanding universe. In
particular it was shown that a field with the mass √2 is huygensian.
Moreover, the numbers √2, 0 are the only values of the mass such that equation
obeys an incomplete Huygens‘ Principle. Then, it was shown that in the de
Sitter space-time the existence of two different scalar fields (with mass 0 and
√2), which obey incomplete Huygens' principle, is equivalent to the condition
that the spatial dimension of the physical world is 3. In this talk a special
attention will be also given to the global in time existence of
self-interacting scalar field in the de Sitter universe and to the Higuchi
bound of the quantum field theory and equations with the Higgs potential.
日時:2018年7月14日(土) 午後3時30分
− 午後4時30分
version of Backlund-Darboux transformation and
evolution of Weyl functions
講演者:Prof. Alexander Sakhnovich,Universität Wien
We consider applications
of GBDT to dynamical systems and integrable nonlinear equations including
nonlocal NLS equation and second harmonic generation equation. The
initial-boundary problem for
second harmonic generation equation will be discussed as well.
日時:2018年6月23日(土) 午後2時
− 午後3時30分
題目:On the rational solutions and the
solitons of the KP hierarchy
講演者:Prof. Yuji Kodama (児玉裕治),Ohio State University
概要: It is well known that the Schur polynomials
satisfy the Hirota bilinear equations of the KP hierarchy, and that each
Schur polynomial can be parametrized by a unique Young diagram. We also
know that the KP solitons (exponential solutions) can be parametrized by
certain decomposition of the Grassmannians. In the talk, I will explain
the connection between the rational solutions and the KP solitons in terms of
the Young diagrams. More explicitly,
I will show how one gets a rational solution from a KP
soliton. I will also discuss a connection between quasi-periodic solutions
(theta or sigma functions) and the KP solitons.
日時:2018年5月28日月曜日 午後4時30分
− 午後6時
題目:The nonlinear Schroedinger equation and variety of it's
nontrivial extensions
講演者:Prof. Nail Akhmediev,Australian National
概要: The NLSE represents a dynamical system with an infinite number of
degrees of freedom and as such it has an infinite number of solutions that
includes solitons, breathers, rogue waves, radiation waves and their
combinations. Every extension of the NLSE expands dramatically variety of it's solutions. Both conservative
and dissipative extensions will be considered in this talk.
日時:2018年5月21日月曜日 午後4時30分
− 午後6時
Mach Reflection of a Solitary Wave: Experiments
講演者:Prof. Harry Yeh,Oregon State University
概要: Laboratory and
numerical experiments are presented for Mach reflection of an obliquely
incident solitary wave at a vertical wall. The numerical model is based on the
pseudo-spectral method for the full Euler formulation. With the aid of a laser
sheet in the laboratory, the wave profiles are measured optically in
sub-millimeter precision. Discrepancies reported in previous works are now
substantially improved, partly because of the higher-order KP theory and in
part because of the advancement in computational power and laboratory instrumentation.
While the theory predicts the maximum of four-fold (4.0) amplification of the
Mach stem, the maximum observed in the laboratory was 2.922 (the previous
laboratory study had achieved the amplification of 2.4), while our numerical
simulation reached the maximum of 3.91 (previously reported amplification was
2.897). Also presented are other laboratory realizations of soliton-soliton
interaction predicted by the KP theory.
日時:2017年11月16日木曜日 午後5時
− 午後6時30分
講演者:千葉逸人 氏,九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所
概要: 蔵本モデルは同期現象を記述する代表的な数理モデルである。ここでは一般のグラフの上で定義された蔵本モデルを考え、グラフの連続極限や一般化スペクトル理論を用いて、そのダイナミクスを調べる。特に、グラフの離散構造がダイナミクスにどのように影響するのかを明らかにする。
日時:2017年11月6日月曜日 午後2時45分
− 午後4時15分
題目: Interaction solutions between lumps and solitons via symbolic
講演者:Prof. Wen-Xiu Ma,University of South Florida
概要: We will talk about
interaction solutions between lump solutions and soliton solutions to
integrable equations. A computational algorithm will be discussed, based
on the bilinear formulation; and illustrative examples in the cases
of the (2+1)-dimensional KP and Ito equations will be
presented through Maple symbolic computations.
日時:2017年7月11日火曜日 午後5時15分
− 午後6時45分
題目:On nonlocal nonlinear
Schrodinger equation and its discrete version
講演者:Prof. Zuo-Nong Zhu, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P. R. China
概要: Very recently, Ablowitz and Musslimani introduced
reverse space, reverse time, and reverse space-time nonlocal nonlinear
integrable equations including the reverse space nonlocal NLS equation, the
real and complex reverse space-time nonlocal mKdV,
sine-Gordon, Davey-Stewartson equations, et.al. In
this talk, we will show that, under the gauge transformations, the nonlocal
focusing NLS (and it discrete version) and the
nonlocal defocusing NLS (and it discrete version) are, respectively, gauge
equivalent to the coupled Heisenberg equation (and it discrete version) and the
coupled modified Heisenberg equation (and it discrete version). We will discuss
the construction of discrete soliton solutions for the discrete nonlocal
focusing NLS. We will demonstrate that the discrete soliton yields soliton of
nonlocal focusing NLS under the continuous limit. The relations of these
solutions between nonlocal NLS and classical NLS will be given. This is a joint
work with Dr. Li-yuan Ma.
日時:2017年6月10日土曜日 午後1時
− 午後4時
題目:Hypergeometric functions and
integrable hydrodynamic systems
講演者:Prof. Yuji Kodama (児玉裕治), Ohio State University, USA
概要:I will show an
interesting connection of (generalized) hypergeometric
functions with integrable hydrodynamic-type systems. The lecture contains the
following subjects.
(a) Integrable hydrodynamic systems generated by Lauricella functions.
(b) Confluence of the Lauricella functions and non-diagonalizable
hydrodynamic-type systems.
日時:2017年6月6日火曜日 午後3時
− 午後6時
題目:KP solitons
講演者:Prof. Yuji Kodama (児玉裕治), Ohio State University, USA
概要: I will discuss
some combinatorial aspects of the KP solitons. This lecture is to explain the
following subjects.
(a) Mathematical background of the regular soliton solutions (the totally
non-negative Grassmannians and their parametrization).
(b) Applications of the KP solitons to shallow water waves (Mach reflection and
rogue waves).
日時:2017年5月17日水曜日 午後3時 − 午後6時
題目:Riemann-Hilbert Methods in
Integrable Systems II
Lecture 3: Asymptotic Analysis of
Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Part I
Lecture 4: Asymptotic Analysis of
Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Part II
講演者:Prof. Peter Miller, University of Michigan, USA
3, Asymptotic Analysis of Riemann-Hilbert
Problems, Part I:
Deift-Zhou steepest descent method is a powerful set
of techniques applicable to Riemann-Hilbert problems that are generalizations
of the classical steepest descent method for the asymptotic expansion of
certain contour integrals. This lecture will focus on the Fokas-Its'-Kitaev Riemann-Hilbert
problem characterizing orthogonal polynomials with exponentially varying
weights and the asymptotic limit of large degree as an example of the steepest
descent method. The goal of this lecture is to deform the Riemann-Hilbert
problem to the point where it appears at a formal level to be asymptotically
4, Asymptotic Analysis of Riemann-Hilbert Problems, Part
lecture picks up where Lecture 3 left off. The deformed Riemann-Hilbert
problem suggests an approximate solution, known as a parametrix.
The parametrix will be constructed explicitly with
the help of elementary and special functions. Then by comparing the parametrix to the exact solution we will arrive at a
Riemann-Hilbert problem of small-norm type (cf., Lecture 2). Estimates on the
solution of the latter problem yield explicit leading-order asymptotic formulae
for the orthogonal polynomials and related quantities of interest in
applications such as random matrix theory.
日時:2017年5月16日火曜日 午後3時 − 午後6時
題目:Riemann-Hilbert Methods in
Integrable Systems I
Lecture 1: Riemann-Hilbert Problems
and Lax Pairs
Lecture 2: Some Theory of
Riemann-Hilbert Problems
講演者:Prof. Peter Miller, University of Michigan, USA
1, Riemann-Hilbert Problems and Lax Pairs:
inverse-scattering transform can be used to study the initial-value problem for
certain nonlinear wave equations, and the most important part of this analysis
frequently leads to a Riemann-Hilbert problem of complex function theory.
This lecture will explain how Riemann-Hilbert problems arise in this setting, and will then reveal why Riemann-Hilbert problems
are fundamentally related to integrability by means of Lax pairs arising from
the dressing construction.
2, Some Theory of Riemann-Hilbert Problems:
Riemann-Hilbert problem is fundamentally a problem of complex analysis, a kind
of boundary-value problem for the Cauchy-Riemann equations. However, as
with many problems of elliptic partial differential equations, a
Riemann-Hilbert problem can be recast as a singular integral equation.
This lecture will highlight some of the key ideas of the connection between
Riemann-Hilbert problems and integral equations, with emphasis on the
small-norm setting and how to achieve it by deformation techniques.
日時:2016年5月17日火曜日 午後1時00分 − 午後2時30分
wave propagation and integrable models in shallow water
講演者:Prof. Roberto Camassa, University of
North Carolina, USA
日時:2016年5月17日火曜日 午後2時45分 − 午後4時15分
題目:Periodic waves and
stability in deep water
講演者;Prof. Wooyoung Choi, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
日時:2016年5月16日月曜日 午後1時00分 − 午後2時30分
of fluid mechanics and free surface flows
講演者;Prof. Roberto Camassa, University of
North Carolina, USA
日時:2016年5月16日月曜日 午後2時45分 − 午後4時15分
題目:Asymptotic theories
for nonlinear water waves
講演者:Prof. Wooyoung Choi, New Jersey Institute of Technology,
日時:2015年3月16日月曜日 午後3時00分 − 午後5時00分
題目:From Schlesinger Transformations to Difference Painlevé Equations
講演者;Prof. Anton Dzhamay, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Northern
Colorado, USA
日時:2014年7月25日金曜日 午後4時30分 − 午後6時00分
題目:Triangulations of convex polygon and solitons in 2-dimension
講演者;Prof. Yuji Kodama, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State
University, USA
日時:2014年7月25日金曜日 午後2時45分 − 午後4時15分
題目:Beach waves and line-solitons of the KP equation
講演者:Prof. Sarbarish Chakravarty,
Department of Mathematics, The University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, USA
日時:2014年5月22日木曜日 午後5時 −
題目:The complex and coupled complex short pulse equations, their integrable discretizations and novel numerical simulations
講演者:Prof. Baofeng Feng, Department of Mathematics, The University of Texas – Pan American, USA
世話人: 高橋大輔 (daisuket atmark waseda.jp), 丸野健一 (kmaruno atmark waseda.jp). “atmark”は @に置き換えてください.